The Victorian Government has announced they are offering COVID-19 Vaccination Enhancement Grants to pharmacies and general practices interested in maximising their capacity to deliver vaccines across identified geographic areas at higher risk of COVID-19.
This opportunity is only available to primary care providers already authorised and administering COVID-19 vaccines.
The COVID-19 Vaccination Enhancement Grants are designed to support primary care providers to utilise their full vaccine allocations and to confidently promote access in their local communities, with the grants to fund additional workforce or operational costs associated with maximising COVID-19 vaccine administration in communities where vaccination rates are currently low and where there are significant risks associated with COVID-19 transmission.
It is envisaged that the grants will support primary care providers to deliver innovative large-scale vaccination sessions which can be actively promoted to the local community and may include walk-up opportunities where feasible and appropriate.
Grant Information
The grants are designed to boost vaccination uptake in the weeks commencing 4 and 11 October and to target first doses, although providers can and should continue to administer second doses concurrently.
120 tranche 1 Grants of $4,000 will be made available to general practices and pharmacies who respond to the Expression of Interest.
Up to 10 grants may be increased to $10,000 if providers can demonstrate that they have significant additional capacity to deliver vaccines.
Completing the Expression of Interest
To complete an expression of interest, please fill out this online form.
An EOI should be completed for each pharmacy or general practice, or group of pharmacies and general practices. Each application should identify which LGA(s) they can service, and multiple LGAs may be selected.
Each response should identify availability on the dates provided.
The EOI must be completed by 12pm on Friday 3 October via the online form.
Successful providers will be notified by 9am on Monday 4 October, and invited to a briefing on Monday 4 October from 6.00-6.45pm. Funding will released as soon as practical thereafter.
Priority Local Government Areas
The in-scope Local Government Areas (LGAs) for tranche 1 are listed below. A second tranche of regional locations will be released shortly.
Should you have any questions or need any help, please reach out to our team at Rose Partners and we will do our best to assist.
Stay safe.
The Team at Rose Partners